Friday, October 31, 2014

Blackalicious' "Alphabet Aerobics"

       "Hey, it's Daniel Radcliffe!"
      "Oh yeah, the guy who plays Harry Potter right?"
      "No! I mean, yeah, but also...Daniel Radcliffe, the guy who can rap!"
               This is what Radcliffe is possibly more famous for now, ever since the YouTube release of his guest appearance on Jimmy Fallon last week. Radcliffe showed up, and DOMINATED. This video blows me away on so many levels:

1) The song is an extremely well known hit from the famous hip hop duo Blackalicious. It was released in 1999, and I believe every true participant in hip hop culture should know this song. OGs from back in the day will start jamming out when they hear it. The lyrics are mindblowingly creative, strung so effortlessly, yet in a calculated manner. Practically every word starts with the letter it's representing when Jimmy flips the card! Isn't that amazing? I hope my students learn from this the power of language, the spell it can cast when words are chosen with care.

2) Homeboy can rap. Radcliffe's execution is clean and flawless.

3) I think the perception that "white people can't rap" still exists out there. It's funny how Radcliffe mentions his love for Eminem because I watched his film "8 Mile", which is about his life, and it depicts his struggle in the rap world as a white male. The scene is still dominated by predominately African-Americans/black people, although diversity is increasing rapidly with artists like Pitbull, Macklemore, etc. Eminem describes how he had to work twice as hard to prove his skills because everyone thought he couldn't rap, just because he was white. In one scene, it doesn't help that he "chokes" (meaning, can't think of what to rap and freezes on the spot), and everyone starts booing him and screaming, "CHOKE! CHOKE! CHOKE! CHOKE!" which causes him to run from the room and doubt himself. However, in the end he redeems himself with his epic lyrics and flow, and that's exactly what I love about hip hop culture: You are accepted as long as you BRING YOUR GAME.
            To aspiring rappers out there: Go for it! Prove yourself! Be creative and let your rhythms flow. :)

Miss T.


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